A couple of days before we left Morocco, an alert popped up on both of our phones saying that there was new timezone information to download. I've been a bit jumpy about changing things on my phone without making a backup, so I didn't do anything. And then, early on October 28, we went from summer time (UTC+1) back to UTC, or, rather, our phones and the UK did. Morocco didn't (*), as they had made a last-minute decision to stop changing their clocks back and forth. This made for quite an exciting time at the airport, as our boarding passes were printed with the old time of departure, even though all of the clocks were now on the "right" time. Thankfully, everything happened at the same time UTC as originally planned, so we made the flight. I pity the people who had to sort out everything afterwards, and salute the Apple people (**) who managed to get a timezone database update pushed out at such short notice.
A couple of days ago I found a highly relevant article about how computer programmers make all kinds of stupid assumptions about time: feel free to nerd out here (and even here and here) if you're into that kind of thing.
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